Be Positive - Get Rid of Negative Energy and Become Positive

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Negativity limits your potential to become something great and live a fulfilling, purposeful life. It has a tangible effect on our health, too. Research has shown that people who cultivate negative energy experience more stress, more sickness, and less opportunity over the course of their lives than those who choose to live positively. Learning how to get rid of negative energy can have a significant effect on your mental health.

Note: Recommended For you as well as for your children.

When we make a decision to become positive and follow that decision up with action, we will begin to encounter situations and people that are also positive. The negative energy gets edged out by all positive experiences. It’s a snowball effect. Although negative and positive energy will always exist, the key to becoming positive is to limit the amount of negativity that we experience by filling ourselves up with more positivity.

Here’s how to get rid of negative energy and become more positive:

1. Be Grateful for Everything

When life is all about us, it’s easy to believe that we deserve what we have. An attitude of entitlement puts us at the center of the universe and sets up the unrealistic expectation that others should cater to us, our needs, and our wants. This vain state of existence is a surefire way to set yourself up for an unfulfilled life of negative thoughts and feelings. If you really want to learn how to get rid of negative energy, you have to start here. People living in this sort of entitlement are “energy suckers”—they are always searching for what they can get out of a situation. People that don’t appreciate the nuances of their lives live in a constant state of lacking. And it’s really difficult to live a positive life this way.

When we spend time being grateful and appreciate everything in our lives—from the small struggles that make us better .we shift our attitude from one of lack and frustration to one of appreciation. This appreciation gets noticed by others, and a positive harmony begins to form in our relationships.

We begin to receive more of that which we are grateful for because we’ve opened ourselves up to the idea of receiving instead of taking. This will make your life more fulfilling and more positive.

2. Help Others

Negativity goes hand in hand with selfishness. People that live only for themselves have no higher purpose in their lives. If the whole point of this world is only to take care of yourself and no one else, the road to long-term fulfillment and purpose is going to be a long one. To learn how to get rid of negative energy, look outside yourself, and begin to help others.  The most basic way to create positivity in your life is to begin doing things for others. Start with small. Open the door for the person who needs your help or assistance. Helping others will give you an intangible sense of value that will translate into positivity, and people might just appreciate you in the process.

3. Direct Your Thinking Away From Negative Energy

We can either be our best coach or our best enemy. Change starts from within. If you want to become more positive, change the wording of your thoughts. We are the hardest on ourselves, and a stream of negative self-talk is corrosive to a positive life. The next time you have a negative thought, write it down and rephrase it with a positive spin. For example, change a thought like, “I can’t believe I did so horribly on the test—I suck” to “I didn’t do as well as I hoped to on this test, but I know I’m capable, and I’ll do better next time.”

Changing our self-talk is powerful. If this is particularly difficult for you, try to sneak in some meditation each day to absorb negative energy. Meditation offers your mind the space to identify negative energy and let it be with you in order to be analyzed and accepted. You will learn to identify negative thoughts and neutralize them with true words.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive People

We become most like the people that we surround ourselves with. If our friend group is full of negative energy-suckers and drama queens, we will emulate that behavior and become like them. It is very difficult to become more positive when the people around us don’t support or demonstrate positive behavior.
As you become more positive, you’ll find that your existing friends will either appreciate the new you, or they will become resistant to your positive changes. This is a natural response.

Change is scary, but cutting out the negative people in your life is a huge step to becoming more positive. Positive people reflect and bounce their perspectives on one another. Positivity is a step-by-step process when you do it solo, but a positive group of friends can be an escalator.

5. Be Physically Active

There are a great many benefits to becoming active; such benefits include increased creativity, reduced anxiety, improved self-confidence, reduced stress, an increase in happy brain chemicals, and more.
All of these factors will help with your ability to practice positive self talk to yourself and eventually succeed in life. Get up, get active, and improve your body and mind together by exercising on a regular basis.

6. Turn Negative Energy Into Positive Action

Negative energy and thoughts can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. Negativity is usually accompanied by a “freak-out” response, especially when tied to relationships, people, and worrying about the future. This is debilitating to becoming positive and usually into more worry, more stress, and more freak-outs. If you want to get rid of negative energy, you need to turn this into positive action.

The next time you’re in one of these situations and feel bad, walk away and take a break. With your eyes closed, take a few deep breaths. Once you’re calm, approach the situation or problem with a pen and piece of paper. Write out four or five actions or solutions to begin solving the problem.
Taking yourself out of the emotionally-charged negative by moving into the action-oriented positive will help you solve more problems rationally and live in positivity.
If you’re facing a problem that likely can’t be solved with only a few free moments, taking a break still helps. Get out and take a walk or do a short workout in your home. You’ll find that it helps to clear your head so that you can think more clearly to solve the problem you’re facing.

Mantra: There are many ways that can help you to be positive, but I have told you all the ways that I have used myself in my life.

 Stay Happy, Stay Healthy, Stay Positive

You know what these all are connected to each other: when you think positively you're happy and when you're happy you stay healthy.

Thank you everyone Hope you like it.

Stay Safe 

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